
The Patrol Method

Scout Troops are made up of Patrols. Groups of 5-8 scouts share in responsibilities for planning for activities, working together while on activities, and training new Scouts about Scout Skills.

Each Patrol will have a Patrol Leader. This Scout is responsible to the Senior Patrol Leader for things like turning in attendance, representing their Patrol at the Patrol Leader’s Council, and disseminating information to their Patrol about upcoming activities.

Youth Led Approach

Scouting is a “Youth Led” organization. This means that the Youth plan everything we do. The Adult Leaders provide a framework and are always there to keep things safe and to provide the Scouts the tools to be successful, but we aren’t making the decisions for the Scouts. The set the agenda, and the Adults support them.

Learning by Doing

Skills Scouts learn by doing, from how to properly handle a pocketknife and pitch a tent to personal finance and how to be a good citizen, stay with them for their lifetimes. The most important of all of those is Leadership. Scouting is a leadership laboratory that allows Scouts to try different approaches and see what works for them and what doesn’t. Failure is ALWAYS an option. You learn more from failing than you do from getting it right the first time.

Scouts are given many opportunities to lead throughout their time in the Troop. Whether it is a formal position like Patrol Leader or an informal position like teaching skills. Every time we can facilitate interactions there are opportunities for the Scouts to learn how to be good humans, and good Scouts.