When do you meet?
We meet most every Monday night at 7pm. Check our Calendar to be sure.

Where do you meet?
We meet at Red Mountain United Methodist Church, 2936 N Power Rd, Mesa, AZ 85215.

Do I have to be a member of Red Mountain United Methodist Church?
No. RMUMC is our Host or Charter Organization. They provide a space for us to meet because they believe in the BSA Mission.

What’s the age range for Scouts BSA?
Youth 11-17 can join scouting as youth participants. 18 and above are considered adults. If your youth is younger than that, we have a Cub Scout Program that is for grades K-5.

Can Girls join the Troop?
Troop 653 is a Male troop. We do not yet have a linked Girl Troop. Troops are not “co-ed” and have separate patrols and leadership requirements. There are Girl Troops forming right now in Mesa. Contact the Grand Canyon Council for more information. If you are interested in forming a Linked Girl Troop with Troop 653, please reach out to our Scoutmaster.

What if I’m not religious?
There is no requirement to belong to a particular religion or to be religious.

What if I don’t really care about the ranks and I just want to do the activities?
Rank advancement comes naturally with the skills that you learn along the way, but no one is going to force any youth to progress.