Written by: Cole
Slide Rock is a place where plentiful amounts of waterfalls and natural waterslides are carved among the rock. It is just north of Sedona and in the depths of Oak Creek Canyon, with red, iron-rich rocks galore. We camped out at the same campground as we do for FlagX, another camp that is due in August. We had to wake up at around 5 in the morning to get up and leave at 6:30 to avoid the vast lines. Luckily, we got there safely and everyone, including the adults, had a splendid time together in the park. We eventually headed back early due to thunder and light rain, but everyone was in bright spirits all around. For dinner, Ammon’s patrol won the Golden Spoon for their scrumptious Shrimp Boil( I didn’t try it but I assumed the best!). We had a nice night, with rain deluging down and providing nice sleeping weather listening to the “pitter-patter” on the fellow tents. The next day, we woke up and packed our belongings up, but not without thorns(most of them being the music late at night, which is why we will move campsites for FlagX) roses, and a nice sermon from our beloved scouts Joey and Hudson. Other than the two colossal traffic jams by Anthem and the 202/101 merger, we had a safe drive back, no one got left behind, and everyone, and I mean everyone, got a meaningful good night of sleep in their cozy beds.